History affects design, the objects we interact with and what we put on our bodies. Looking deeper into the history of isolation fashion, starting with the housedress, our everyday clothing may change due to our current circumstances and needs.
Interviews and research experiments with various user groups during our current global pandemic has led me to finding that we are now carrying around more items of necessity on our person daily than we had previously (hand sanitizer, masks, phones, etc.), sparking my interest to create a new kind of garment for all our carrying needs. Why rely on pant pockets when most of the time, especially for women, they do not suffice?
My research led me to learn much more about the history of pockets and how they originated in the 13th Century, equal for both men and women as well as all class structures, and able to hold all the tools and necessities (including food!) for what might lie ahead that day. This design reinvents the pocket and thereby reintroduces utility into fashion in an equal, stylish and user-friendly way.

Garment insert.

Initial Sketch

Color Studies


User testing